Since our inception in 2014, we have supported the professional and personal development of over 100 adults in the Washington DC Metropolitan Area. We provide training and job placement assistance for 2 years. 85% of our participants obtain employment upon graduating from our program and 78% retain income throughout the first year after graduation.
Our team strives to equip those who come through our doors with the ability to take charge of their lives, while offering support through the difficult moments. We measure success by the numbers but also by the more intangible ways that we are able to help someone have a better present and be able to craft a brighter future.
We empower our students to succeed not just with technical skills and certifications, but with the greatest tool of all: confidence .
We're both proud and honored to see some incredible certification and employment results from our programs.
We're both proud and honored to see some incredible certification and employment results from our programs.